Stock market regulator SEBI has also started using Artificial Intelligence (AI). SEBI member Kamlesh Chandra Varshney said on Saturday that the market regulator is using AI for investigation. He warned against using wrong practices in the capital market. At the same time, brokers have also been called to be cautious and help curb such attempts.
Manipulation Of Rules Will Not Be Tolerated
Apart from expediting investigations, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has used Artificial Intelligence in many areas. Kamlesh Chandra Varshney said that various institutions should keep an eye on the changes taking place in technology. Participating in the National Exchanges Members of India (ANMI) program, he said that it is essential for SEBI to have transparency and stop manipulating rules. Only following the law in the stock market will prove beneficial. Violating this will lead to problems.
It Will Be Very Easy If Brokers Support You
He said that SEBI is committed to stopping those who mislead people in the stock market. Varshney, a whole-time member of SEBI, appealed to the brokers to remain alert and prevent such attempts. SEBI has continuously taken action against those making such attempts. These also include front running. We have to win the trust of investors. Without this, every effort will fail. Brokers have a very important role in this. If they support us, this will be stopped very soon. Some brokers may be involved in this. We will not shy away from taking strict action against them.
SEBI Is Emphasizing On The Use Of Technology
Last year, SEBI said that it would emphasize the use of technology. Geotagging will also be started for this. Besides, emphasis is also being laid on increasing the regulator’s IT capabilities. With the help of technology, shortcomings in the investigation will be removed.