You Must Have These Five Apps In Your Android Smartphone; You May Need Them At Any Time

Abhay Singh
3 Min Read
Girl With Smartphone

Nowadays, most people use Android smartphones. Technology is advancing daily, and people can do most of their work with the help of smartphones, whether they want to upload a document or share any information. Whether to pay the electricity bill or book a ticket.

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Nowadays, you can do all your work online. The government has also brought many such apps which help you. Today, we will tell you about those apps you can install on your smartphone. These apps will be very useful to you when needed.


mAadhaar app has been launched by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This app can be handy for you. It gives you a lot of facilities. In this app, you can upload your documents digitally and keep them. You can digitally save your Aadhar card and many other papers and show them when needed. With this, you will not need to take documents with you.

My Gov

The government has also launched this app. Through this app, you can give suggestions to government departments and ministries. This app will be helpful if you want to recommend any scheme to the government. You can download this app from the Google Play Store.


If you like to travel by car, this app can be helpful. This app relieves you from carrying documents while travelling. You can keep a digital copy of your driving license and vehicle registration certificate in it. If your documents are checked somewhere, you can show them the digital copy through this app. Information about second-hand vehicles can also be checked through this app.


This application has been prepared jointly by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and the National e-Governance Division. It offers many types of facilities to the users. With its help, you can avail of government services. Many services are available here, including Employees Provident Fund (EPF) information, PAN card, Aadhar card, DigiLocker, gas booking, mobile bill payment and electricity bill payment.


This app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. This app is handy for everyone, from job seekers to college students. You can save many documents, including your driver’s license, PAN card, Aadhar card, etc. At the same time, students can keep their college certificates in it. With this, you will not need to keep hard copies of documents.

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By Abhay Singh Journalist
Abhay has been with News Waker for over a few months and has covered various topics, from politics to business to sports. He is known for his engaging writing style and ability to explain complex issues in a way that's easy to understand.