Kamala Harris’s Statement Created A Stir In America, What Did She Say About Joe Biden?

Akash Kumar Mishra
3 Min Read
Kamala Harris As Vice President

US Vice President Kamala Harris has given such a statement about the tenure of President Joe Biden, which has created panic in the entire America. Harris said that if Joe Biden cannot complete his presidential term, she is ready to take over the post of President.

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When asked about her preparation to take over the duties of the Oval Office during her visit abroad in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kamala Harris said that taking action as President, if necessary, is an important part of her job.

Harris’s response came after initially trying to sidestep a question about 80-year-old Biden’s age by pointing to his presidential accomplishments. News agency Associated Press reporter Chris Megerian had asked Harris, ‘Questions about the President’s age often go hand in hand with how she would perform that role if necessary. Do you feel prepared for that possibility? Has serving as the Vice President prepared you for that position?’ 58-year-old Indian-origin Vice President Harris, representing Biden at the annual conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit in Jakarta, replied ‘yes’.

US Vice President Kamala Harris told the media, ‘ First, I am answering your imaginary question. Joe Biden is recovering. Therefore, it is not going to be completed. But we must also understand that every Vice President when he takes the oath, understands that he must be very clear about the responsibility of handling the job of the President. I am no different.’ It is noteworthy that Joe Biden is already the oldest President of America. He will turn 81 in November and seeks a second term in next year’s elections.

However, reports show that Biden is not happy with her despite allegedly praising Harris publicly. According to recent surveys by RealClearPolitics, Harris’ favorability rating is even lower than Biden’s. This means that 40.7 per cent of the public approves of his work, while 41.7 per cent approve of his boss, Biden. In 2020, Biden chose Harris, the first woman and second non-white Vice President, as his running mate.

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By Akash Kumar Mishra Co-founder and Journalist
Akash is a seasoned journalist and the co-founder of our organization. As managing editor, he oversees our editorial operations and ensures that our content is accurate, relevant, and engaging. Akash's extensive journalism experience and passion for delivering high-quality news make him an invaluable team member.